I decided to close the store on Sunday and Monday in honor of our Veterans. There was a time when businesses were always closed on Sundays and holidays. People went to church as a way to settle down and reflect on the activies of the pervious week. Families spent quality time together visiting relatives, having a family dinner, no fast food meals from a drive thru, In the evening, maybe watching Ed Sullivan or Playhouse 90. No TV with sex, drugs, violence, etc. Just shows that depicted family values and encouraged spending time together in front of the same television. Or heaven forbid, reading outloud together from the newspaper or Readers Digest or a book. Now there are Kindles instead of books, internet instead of conversation.
I miss those gentler times. I brought one of my grandsons home with me after a family party on Sunday. Nathan and i spent alot of Monday watching the storms roll in. We danced outside with umbrellas and measured the rainfall in tupperware. Then we made chocolate chip cookies and chili in anticipation of the family comimg over for a quick meal before the Hawks game. When the rain finally stopped we went for a bike ride to see how many puddles we could bike through. I'm glad that I took the time off to create some memories.
Posted by President & Owner at 6:39 PM 0 comments
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